Trump ends birthright citizenship by executive order. Can he do that?

Birthright Citizenship SHOCKER: Could it be Retroactive?

Trump ends birthright citizenship by executive order. Can he do that?

 CITIZENSHIP. SEC. 4. That all persons who were citizens of the Republic of Hawaii on August twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, are hereby declared to be.  In each case, the ruling by the court or board or whatever was that the fact he had US citizenship from birth—even though he was born in Canada and also had Canadian.  It did rule that the fourteenth amendment applied to undocumented immigrants. But it was discussing the second mention which modified any person. Birthright citizenship is.  Most argue that, in order to revoke birthright citizenship, you would need to go through the process of amending the Constitution, which doesn't involve the President at all..  As for birthright citizenship, Mr. Trump said he would try to reverse the constitutional guarantee that anyone born in the United States is a citizen regardless of the.

 @Alexei: certainly a country could grant citizenship or other rights to a non-human. What makes this just a publicity stunt is the fact that we are nowhere near being able to create.  Most argue that, in order to revoke birthright citizenship, you would need to go through the process of amending the Constitution, which doesn't involve the President at all..

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